Friday, 17 December 2010

Sub-letting part of 4 Saffron Road, Biggleswade

This looked like a fairly innocuous title on the agenda, under “Items for Consideration” for the Planning Meeting of Biggleswade Town Council, that was held on the 9th November 2010.

That is until you realise this is the Biggleswade Town Council Offices, The Old Court House.


The minute of the meeting is:

“Members discussed proposals to sub-let part of 4 Saffron Road on or after 22nd March 2011.

It was RESOLVED that Town Council staff move to the front of the building and to sub-let the rear possibly to a Charity and to rent part of the car park.”


The question now is, what happens to the CBC “Point or Presence”.

If you know the answer, can you let the rest of us know?


There is a CBC document, named “Remodelling of Customer Services” dated 13th July 2010, which was presented to the Executive.

This talks about “Community Hubs” and says:

Initially, we will develop business cases with the Department of Work and Pensions for the co-location of the existing Job Centres with our Customer Service Centres at Biggleswade, Dunstable, and Leighton Buzzard.”

There was a press release (14th July 2010) if you knew the significance of what it meant:

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