Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Central Bedfordshire Council – e-Petitions

An e-petition is just a petition that collects signatures online. This allows petitions and supporting information to be made available to a much wider audience than a traditional paper based petition.

According to the Central Bedfordshire web site at :

“Anyone who lives, works or studies in Central Bedfordshire can submit or sign an  e-petition . 100 signatures are required for an  e-petition  to be submitted to the next stage.

If you create an e-petition you will be required to provide the Council with your contact details. We may ask the relevant service team to respond to you on the issue you raise.

If you sign an  e-petition  on this website, you will be requried to give basic personal information to verify that the signature is genuine. Your name (but no other details) will be published on the  e-petition  website.

The email address is personal to one person, ie you, and can be used once to sign. No other person can use this email address to sign, even if they share it with you.”

Within the CBC Constitution (Part 4, Annex 2) is the full procedure:

The Petitions scheme starts on page 8. The relevant section on e-petitions says:

E Petitions (with effect from October 2010)

4.1 Members of the public may also submit e-petitions through the Council’s website.

4.2 The petition organiser shall provide their name, postal address and email address and indicate for how long the petition should be open to signature.

4.3 E-petitions shall also comply with the provisions of paragraphs 1.2.2 –1.2.3 and 1.3 above.

4.4 The Monitoring Officer shall be authorised to determine whether to host an e-petition and may reject any petition which he/she deems inappropriate. The decision on whether to host an e-petition will be made within 5 working days of submission of the original petition.

4.5 If the Monitoring Officer determines not to host an e-petition, he/she will notify the petition organiser within 3 clear working days of such decision. The petition organiser may, within 10 clear working days, change and resubmit the petition. In the event the petition organizer does not do this, a summary of the petition and the reason why it has not been accepted will be published under the “rejected petitions”
section of the Council’s website.

4.6 Members of the public signing an e-petition will be required to provide their name, postcode and a valid email address. On submission of this information , an email will be sent to the email address provided with a link to confirm the email address is valid. Upon completion of this step, the signature will be added to the petition.

4.7 When an e-petition has closed for signature, it will be submitted to the next available meeting of the Executive or relevant committee of the Council having regard to the subject matter concerned. The Monitoring Officer will send a written acknowledgement of the petition as provided in paragraph 3. If the petition organiser wishes to present the e-petition to the Council, they shall notify the Monitoring Officer within 10 working days of receipt of the acknowledgement.”

Recent and current e-petitions:

Proposed cut of Mobile Library Service
Save the Music Service
Stop the Closure of Houghton Regis Leisure Centre
Stop Cuts to The Sensory Impairment Provision for Deaf and Visually Impaired Children
Save LuDun Industries
Save Silsoe Disability / Horticultural Centre
Petition for continuity of service at Sandy Leisure Centre

1 comment:

  1. http://centralbeds.moderngov.co.uk/mgEPetitionDisplay.aspx?ID=100&RPID=16025667&HPID=16025667

    Please sign this petition to stop the changes to the black bin collections
