Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Safer Routes to School - Zebra crossings, traffic calming & extension of 20mph zone.

In the Biggleswade Chronicle of 26th November in the Public Notices is the official announcement of the proposed works.  Further details of the proposals and a plan can be examined at Biggleswade Library.

The works are to establish three raised table zebra crossings on London Road between its junctions with the Baulk and Elm Road.
  1. London Road, centred approximately 6 metres west of the boundary between property Nos 7 and 9.
  2. London Road, centred approximately 4.8 metres east of the boundary between property Nos 66 and 68.
  3. London Road, centred approximately 4 metres south of the boundary between property Nos 90 and 92.
There are also proposals for traffic calming measures including:
  • 4 flat topped humps, which extend from kerb to kerb, approximately 6 metres long and 75mm nominal height above existing carriageway levels with ramps not steeper than 1:15.
  • 5 speed cushions in pairs, each 3 metres long and 1.7 metres wide with a 1 metre gap in between and 75 mm nominal height above existing carriageway levels .
  • 3 raised tables coincidental with proposed Zebra crossings, 75 mm nominal above existing carriageway levels
Flat topped road humps are proposed to be sited at the following locations:
  • High Street, centred approximately 0.5 metre east of the boundary of property No 101.
  • London Road, centred approximately 1 metre east of the boundary of the Baptist Church.
  • London Road, centred approximately at the boundary between Nos 46 and 48.
  • London Road, centred approximately at the boundary between Nos 50 and 52.
Speed cushions are proposed to be sited at the following locations:
  • London Road, centred approximately 2 metres east of the boundary between property Nos 15 and 17.
  • London Road, centred approximately 3 metres east of the boundary between property Nos 31 and 33.
  • London Road, centred approximately 7 metres west of the boundary between property Nos 62 and 64.
  • Eagle Farm Road, centred approximately 6 metres west of the boundary between property Nos 8 and 10.
  • Eagle Farm Road, centred approximately at the boundary between property Nos 18 and 20.

On the grounds of promoting road safety, the proposed 20mph speed limit is specifically aimed at reducing vehicle speeds through Biggleswade, where pedestrian activity is high. As part of this proposal 4 raised crossings (three of which incorporate Zebra Crossings), 2 road humps and two mini roundabouts will be advertised for A6001 High Street / London Road with a view to implementing at the same time.

To introduce a 20mph speed limit on the following lengths of road in Biggleswade:
  • That length of A6001 High street / London Road from its junction with St Andrews Street in a generally easterly direction to a point outside the boundary between properties No 104 and No 108, A6001 London Road. An extension of approximately 825 metres from the existing 20mph speed limit.
  • That length of Rose Lane which extends from its junction with A6001 High Street in a northerly direction for approximately 30 metres.
  • That length of The Baulk which extends from its junction with A6001 High Street in an easterly direction for approximately 42.5 metres.
  • That length of Eagle Farm Road which extends from its junction with A6001 Drove Road in an easterly direction for approximately 225 metres.
  • That length of B1040 Drove Road which extends from its junction with A6001 London Road in a generally north easterly direction to a point approximately outside the boundary between properties No 4 and No 6.
  • That length of Chestnut Avenue which extends from its junction with The Baulk in a northerly direction for approximately 8.5 metres.
  • That length of Back Street which extends from its junction with A6001 London Road in a westerly direction to a point approximately outside the boundary between properties No 3 and No 5.
  • That length of Dells Lane which extends from its junction with Back Street and A6001 London Road in a southerly direction to a point approximately 4.5 metres north from the boundary between properties No 2 and No 4.
  • That length of Elm Road which extends from its junction with A6001 London Road in a westerly direction for approximately 23.5 metres.
Further details of the proposed Order, a plan and a statement of reasons for proposing to make the Order may be examined at the Library.

The proposals were presented to the Biggleswade Town Council Planning Meeting on 9th November 2010.

Link to the minutes: 

According to this weeks Chronicle (3rd December 2010) the Council will discuss the proposals at a Meeting (Planning) of 14th December 2010.

Further details of these proposals will be on display at Biggleswade Library from Monday 8th December to Saturday 11th December 2010. Bedfordshire Highways staff will be at the Library between 11am and 5.30pm on Wednesday 8th December 2010 to answer any questions.

The link to the CBC web site with a downloadable plan is:

Objections should be in by 24th December 2010.

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