Wednesday, 23 February 2011

CBC's Draft Biggleswade Town Centre Strategy & Masterplan

This document has been published for public consultation for a period of five weeks from 23rd February to 30th March 2011.  Other related reports and a summary booklet can also be downloaded. Click on the links on the Current Consultation tab at

Please ensure you either respond to the short online questionnaire on the above web site to ensure your opinion and feedback on the proposals regarding the town centre strategy and masterplan are heard.

A public exhibition displaying the draft proposals will take place on Saturday 26th February (10am to 3pm) at St Andrew’s Church, Shortmead Street, Biggleswade.  If you would sooner respond in person or discuss the options then this is your opportunity; make the most of it, don't waste it and complain later!

The draft masterplan document sets out the planning and development framework to guide improvements and new development within Biggleswade Town Centre and will form part of the Local Development Framework (North) for Central Bedfordshire as a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).

Results from the  Biggleswade Town Plan consultations and questionnaire, which covered the entire parish, not just the town centre, made a significant input to CBCs Masterplan project.  The resident steering group web site is where all reports produced by the group can be downloaded.

From Mike Strange, member Biggleswade Town Plan Steering Group

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