Sunday, 6 March 2011

Tables & Chairs & Portable Advertising Boards on the Highway

A report was presented to the Central Bedfordshire, Traffic Management Committee Meeting of 1st March 2011 :

The report provides the Traffic Management Committee with details relating to the proposed policy for licensing the use of tables and chairs and portable advertising boards on the Highway. The policy is designed to cater for the rise in Street Café culture and on-street advertising and to protect pedestrians who might come into contact with these structures.


The full policy can be viewed at:

It was decided :

"That the proposed policy, subject to minor amendments called for by the legal department, for the licensing of tables and chairs and portable advertising boards on the highway thus enabling the Council to control how the footway and street network is utilised as well as generating income for the authority.

In addition it was noted that there was a typographical error on the sixth bullet point under Determining the Application.  The measurement should read 1.8m and not 1.2m."


I presume any problems especially with maintaining a minimum footway width of 1.8m after placing of the tables and chairs or portable advertising boards, to allow for the safe passage of users of the footway, should be reported to Central Bedforshire Highways at:

I can think of a few areas around the town centre which are problem areas at present. Perhaps this will help resolve them

1 comment:

  1. Note that in the policy requirements document that:

    "The materials and colours used should not be too bright, garish or overly reflective."

    That wipes out all the aluminium seating around the Surfin Cafe, Cruzers and Cafe Mocha at a stroke then.

    Is the passage alongside the New Inn or through Abbots Walk part of this policy? The policy states:
    "The term 'street' includes 'any road, footway, beach or other area to which the public have
    access without payment'. Any person street trading without a valid Consent commits a
    criminal offence."
    So it would seem so.

    re consultation - a licence may be refused if:
    "- adverse comments have been received as part of the consultation process;" (who from? officers or the public?)
    "- a relevant objection has been received to the granting of the licence." (So a single objection may 'kill' an application!)

    re fees:
    "up to 2 sets of tables and chairs (maximum 4 chairs per table) - Free Of Charge
    • over 2 and up to 10 sets of tables and chairs - £500
    • over 10 sets of tables and chairs - £1000"
    These are annual charges - just think how many cups of coffee to you need to sell just to cover the charges. Who else sees prices going up to cover this...?

    But there's more:
    "A supplementary charge to cover the reasonable costs of the consultation process that has to be undertaken in respect of a new application.
    • £150 per application (tables and chairs)"

    Goodbye Biggleswade's 'cafe culture'...
