Saturday, 12 March 2011

Housing Developers Directional Signage - Croudace sign

In September 2007 I made the following report, and forgot all about it, even though I go past it all the time. The sign at the junction of Holme Court Avenue / London Road was taken down.

There are a two white Developers Signs with Croudace on them :

on a lamp post junction of Holme Court Avenue and London Road, Biggleswade as you come from the A1

on the lampost (CCTV camera attached to it) at the junction of London Road / Dells Lane / Back Street, Biggleswade as you come down London Road into town.

London Road / Dells Lane / Back Street - London Road: Report 50608

22.01.2011 - email to Highways

Three years on, the sign is still in place. Could you tell me when it will be removed please ??

24.01.2011 - standard email response.

I have noted your chase to the report & passed to the Highways Area Technician.

You can now follow the progress of your report online. Please have your report number and postcode at hand, and visit our website by clicking the following link:

Please note our technicians have 5 working days to inspect and update the report.

26.01.2011 - email to Highways.

I cannot track this report using fault No 50608 and my postcode of SG18 8PB.

Can you advise me how I can access this please??

27.01.2011 - email from Highways

I noted your chase to the report on 24/01/11. Please allow the Highways Area Technician 5 working days to update the report with his comments.

27.01.2011 - email to Highways

You have missed the point.

If I enter my postcode and fault number (which appears to be the one from three years ago), I get this:

* Please enter your postcode.
Reference number:
* Please enter your reference number.

No fault record found matching criteria.
More recent reports can be accessed albeit there is no update as yet
27.01.2011 - email from Highways
You are unable to updates owing to the age of the report.

The online system was set up after this report was logged & reports prior to the set up date cannot be accessed.

For further updates on this report you will need to contact the Highways Helpdesk.

25.02.2011 - email to Highways

Since its nearly 5 weeks since I reported it this year and over 3 years since I first reported it and the sign is still there, can you update me when it will be removed.

28.02.2011 - email from Highways

I have checked the report & it was updated on 28/01/11 by the Highways Area Technician as follows:

"There is a scheme in place to change / upgrade this junction which involves moving or replacing this cctv pole.  If this scheme goes ahead then this sign will be removed at the same time.  If not, then it will have to wait until we have a mobile elevated work platform in the area."

05.03.2011 - email to Highways

The London Road / Baulk project was suspended at the Traffic Management meeting of 1st March 2011. It will be some considerable time before another scheme, is formulated and has gained acceptance.

Are ladders not used anymore, the sign is not particularly high?

08.03.2011 - email from Highways

I have noted your comments to the report and passed to the Highways Technician for his attention.

Regarding access; owing to Health & Safety policy we no longer use ladders.

12.03.2011 - above photographs taken

So its still there.

1 comment:

  1. If someone reports the damaged 'Give Way' sign in the foreground perhaps they could kill two birds with one stone...
