Sunday 25 September 2011

Parking in Biggleswade

On the 12th July 2011 Central Bedfordshire issued a press release entitled, "Public to be consulted on parking management proposals."

This included a paragraph which says:

Local councillors, including parish councils, and key stakeholder groups such as the Chamber of Commerce are to be consulted on the proposals over a three month period. Exhibitions will be held at key locations across Central Bedfordshire as part of the consultation. Details of this will be announced soon.

Since it is now over two months after the press release, I have asked CBC when is the consultation to take place. I am still waiting for the information.

Link to press release:

This was a a result of CBC executive councillors approving a proposal to consult the wider community on measures to improve parking in towns and villages across Central Bedfordshire.

Agenda Item:

Draft approach to parking management:

Also on the 12th July 2011, The Off Street Car Parking Committee of Biggleswade Town Council were considering a report by Town & City Parking . I have quoted below extracts from the full report of which I have a copy.  I do not believe I have taken them out of context.

An initial brief was provided to Town & City Parking Limited (TCP) management team for the best possible support, direction and mangement to a new project for the parking service with Biggleswade Town Council (BTC).

The brief was provided by the Town Clerk and a Councillor Lawrence for BTC, to undertake a look at the current parking service and comment on the effectiveness and efficiency of the operation and produce a report on proving a service that is sufficient for the needs of Biggleswade Town Council.

There is a distinct possibility that any press coverage will be hostile and this will cloud the perceptions of the readers, even if they have not experienced any problems and therefore a correct and robust enforcement is critical.

At the Off Street Car Parking Committee meeting, link to minutes:

There was a lot of comments on the report and

It was RECOMMENDED that the report be deferred and a meeting of the Off Street Car Parking Committee is called quickly to discuss what the committee are trying to achieve in terms of parking in Biggleswade.

On 13th September another Off Street Car Parking Committee was held. I have a copy of the minutes which are not yet published on the Biggleswade Town Council web site. The conclusion was,

It was RECOMMENDED that Town Council put pressure on CBC and Highways to implement the Masterplan particularly in relation to parking in Biggleswade.


Do you know what this is?

It is a parking bay sensor. These are installed in the White Hart Car park, where there is a 2 hour time limit, and no return within 2 hours. It detects vehicles in the parking bay and communicates the status wirelessly. In other words they know how long you have been parked. 

1 comment:

  1. RE: Parking bay sensor; wow didn't realize such things existed. Is it battery or solar powered? With whom does it communicate and how? SMS to the traffic warden?

    If only the regulators would realize that the only goal of parking regulations should be to:

    (a) Prevent workers and commuters abusing short term shoppers spaces.
    (b) Encourage quality visitors to support the businesses in our town centre.

    For me *EVERY* space should be limited to 120 minutes. 30 minute spaces are far too short and just mean that shoppers have to leave before they've finished spending money. Other than this we don't need any other complicated changes to the parking arrangements or revenue generation schemes.

    What would be good is a Biggleswade hopper bus that constantly criss-crosses Bigglesade between 9am and 5pm collecting and dropping off anywhere on demand for a fixed fee of £1 per journey. That would provide locals with a real alternative to driving into town during the wet and cold winter months.

    ...and no, I don't own a shop.
