Tuesday 27 September 2011

Parking Bay Sensors - White Hart car park, Biggleswade

I have been asked a number of questions about these sensors, but shown below is all I can tell you. I have no knowledge of how the "information" is collected by "who" or how the "enforcement" is carried out.

This is in the specification supplied by Town & City Parking Ltd to Biggleswade Town Council :

Sensor installation profile.

This section will cover the installation principles of a parking bay sensor installation across all sites.

Parking Bay Sensors

Purpose - Detects vehicles in it's parking area and communicates status wirelessly.
Quantity - One sensor installable per parking area such as a parking bay.
Connects to - A "collector" such as a PC which processes the data sent by the sensor.

Slave Collector

Purpose - Collects information from sensors which are a great distance from the main PC.
Quantity - One Slave per 75 parking bay sensors.
Connects to - A main PC via "a line of sight" wireless connection

Main Collector PC

Purpose - Detects vehicles in it's parking area and communicates status wirelessly.
Quantity - One sensor installable per parking area such as a parking bay.
Connects to - The internet and channels the information to "Smartrep".

Sensor Specification

This section includes drawings details of the sensor, which I cannot reproduce here and basically shows its construction. It is powered by three lithium 3.6v batteries, with an 18 month battery life based on constant usage. Average usage 0.0158W constant based on 16 vehicle movements per day with 10s scan rate.

I am no expert on this but it appears that someone has "cut" "purpose & quantity from parking bay sensor and "pasted" it into Main Collector PC, but I could be wrong.         

Town & City Parking Ltd web site.

Link to metereye which looks similar to the installed sensors:

Link to leaflet:


  1. I am told on good authority ( a member of BTC) that these sensors are monitored by the same company that runs the ASDA parking contract. If a car outstays the time allotted, the onsite operative at ASDA is dispatched over to the White Hart Car Park to issue a ticket. One presumes that it is possible to check whether or not the car is the same vehicle by the time the ticket issuer arrives... I am also informed on good authority that such tickets issued are non-enforceable as the system does not identify who is the driver of the car...

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