Wednesday 23 May 2012's noise action week

Central Bedfordshire Council is taking a quiet moment to support annual Noise Action Week.

Running between 21 and 24 May, Noise Action Week seeks to raise awareness of the problems that noise causes, as well as highlighting practical solutions to minimise disturbance.

The council’s Environmental Protection Team will be out and about in Central Bedfordshire to offer advice on everything from the risks of listening to music too loud through headphones, to barking dogs or noisy DIY.

For more information visit the council's website.

Visit them at Flitwick Tesco on Tuesday, 22 May between 11.00 and 15.00, Biggleswade Asda on Thursday 24 May between 11.00 and 15.00 and Leighton Buzzard Morrisons on Friday 25 May between 11.00 and 15.00.

The team promotes simple measures such as communication and consideration between neighbours to prevent noise issues occurring, and also helps out with serious noise disputes arising from common sources such as stereos, parties and misfiring alarms.


  1. How about CBC start with their own responsibilities and sort out the racket created by large vehicles crashing over pot holes and rough surfaces?

    They could also combine forces with the Police to eradicate traffic travelling at excessive speed in and around Biggleswade. This is a massive source of environmental noise pollution as well as the inherent dangers of speed.

  2. Fair comments...speaking of pot holes, the state of Holme Court Avenue is getting worse. And as regards speeding I was overtaken on Dells Lane (whilst driving around 30mph) this week by some idiot in a Vectra comfortably doing 45+. But I'm sure I've heard somewhere that speed bumps create more noise. Catch 22.
