Friday 18 May 2012

Kitelands Recreation Ground - New Play Equipment

It was in July 2010 that Biggleswade Town Council first applied for Planning Permission for the new equipment. They then "discovered" that the land was contaminated and they had not provided the required environmental study. Then they were told that they did not need Planning Permission anyway but the soil investigation still needed to be carried out.

In January 2011 the Biggleswade Town Clerk said "The Town Council are currently awaiting a test pit to be dug and a risk assessment carried out".

2011 came and went and nothing much happened, although the tenders received for the work time expired for their acceptance, as the Town Clerk was very busy.

This year it was decided that the Town Council should apply to Central Bedfordshire for Section 106 monies to pay for the work rather than out of the Biggleswade Town Council's circa £700,000 budget.

Well finally today something was happening which appears to be the soil investigation:

1 comment:

  1. Interesting to learn that the Kitelands ground is 'contaminated'. Do you have any further information as to what type of contamination? I'm about to move into a property in the area.
