Thursday 29 December 2011

Superfast Broadband - Have your say.

Buried in the Central Bedfordshire press releases for December 2011 (if you can find them on the new website) is this one:


Superfast broadband is winging its way to most of Central Bedfordshire and a new survey should show just how much demand there is for the service.

Officers at Central Bedfordshire Council want to find out just how much demand there is from businesses and people who live in the area.

Superfast broadband would mean people could download music, games and films more quickly, and websites would download faster too.

For businesses the service could also boost opportunities to access global marketplaces and allow more companies to offer flexible working to employees.

A survey is being set up to find out just what residents and businesses want from their internet capacity.

Responses to the survey will inform the council's Local Broadband Plan, which aims to ensure that at least 90 per cent of the area has access to superfast services. And for those, possibly more rural, areas that cannot be served by the technology the plan will help to put in place alternative services so that everyone has access to minimum standards of broadband (at least two megabits).

The plan will help to extend coverage of superfast broadband (with speeds greater than 25 megabits per second, and ideally more than 30 mbps) in areas of Central Bedfordshire that are not currently, or unlikely to be served by the market.

The plan is expected to be considered by councillors in February 2012. After this, the council will then work with communities, industry and partners to deliver the plan.

To have your say, register your demand and to find out more on superfast broadband in Central Bedfordshire visit our website.


If you then go to "Register your demand for superfast broadband" and open it you  can complete the survey.

Or go directly to it:

I cannot find a published end date for the survey.

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