Thursday 21 June 2012

Be Scam Aware - PPI Scam

Central Bedfordshire Council’s Trading Standards team is warning consumers and small businesses to be extra vigilant of potential PPI “phishing” scams that claim you are entitled to a refund from previously mis-sold credit card or loan protection insurance.
We have recently received a number of reports whereby consumers have received a text message on their mobile phone claiming "
Records passed to us show you’re entitled to a refund approximately £xxxx in compensation from mis-selling of PPI on your credit card or loan. To claim reply YES ", or similar wording.
In some reported cases, consumers who have received this message have never had a credit card or loan, or have never provided their mobile number as part of their contact details.
Based on the information provided we believe that these types of messages could, in some cases, be operated by scam artists, with the intention of obtaining your personal and bank account details. We would advise anyone who receives this type of message, to act with extreme caution before considering whether to reply.
Our advice to consumers and small businesses is that you should never give your details to anybody over the telephone or by text message, unless you are absolutely certain of their intentions. Never feel pressured into making a quick decision, because the offer is only available for a limited period, for example.
Generally, if you show any interest by replying to this type of message, not only will you alert the sender that your mobile number is an active number, you may also be identified as a possible target for a future scam attempt. If, at any point, you are unsure as to whether a text message is genuine, do not hesitate to delete it without replying.

1 comment:

  1. interesting blog. It would be great if you can provide more details about it. Thanks you

