Wednesday 26 October 2011

London Road Retail Park, Biggleswade - redevelopment

The Planning Application has now been received by Cental Bedfordshire. The application number is: CB/11/03734/FULL.

Demolition of existing retail and commercial units. Construction of new retail units (Use Class A1) and (Use Class A3); alterations to Homebase; associated access works, servicing and landscaping; improvements to London Road.

The consultation period expires on 25th November 2011.

The documents can be viewed at:

1 comment:

  1. Oh my - having read the some assumptions are being made about the parking provision on this new retail development - but I believe these will be woefully inadequate as they've used the 'Sainsbury's model' employed for the recent expansion of the Bells Brook site to assess the parking provision and estimate traffic generation.

    I believe they've seriously underestimated just how popular this place is going to be as a retail destination -

    in which case: Where's everyone going to park?
