Monday 1 August 2011

Some Comments left recently

All of the comments are shown on the sidebar of the blog, and if you "hover" over the heading it shows what the comment refers to. I am trying to get it to show without doing that. In the meantime, below are show the comments left in the last couple of weeks, under the blog headings.

Biggleswade Town Council - "Not our responsibility".

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Biggleswade Town Council - "not our responsibility...":

I think this is sadly a problem associated with having too many layers of government; a lay person has little chance of knowing where responsibility lies and it seems those at the bottom aren't very good or interested in escalating issues. Some of the layers need to go; either from the top or the bottom. You can centralize or localize responsibilities but trying to do both is inefficient.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Biggleswade Town Council - "not our responsibility...":

I thought when we lost the County Council that the lines of responsibilty were supposed to be clearer and there would not be this problem. Obviously not. Another untruth.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Biggleswade Town Council - "not our responsibility...":

I would agree with the previous comments on layers of responsibility, but I'm surprised to hear about this apparent new attitude at the Town Hall as on at least two past occassions when I have phoned to report something that turned out to be not the TC's responsibility, the staff member I spoke to (a lady) was most helpful and even offered to pass it on to the District Council for me.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Biggleswade Town Council - "not our responsibility...":

There is one lady who is very helpful, but do not send anything to the Town Clerk if you want an answer or actually anything sorted out. Best to bypass him and either send an email to the enquiries email address or go in if possible to see the lady.

Vehicles Targetted in Biggleswade

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Vehicles Targetted in Biggleswade":

It seems that the second vehicle mentioned above was a community minibus - run by volunteers and largely supported by voluntary contributions from the communities it serves.

I understand that the resale value of the metal stolen would be about £40 - but to restore the bus back to servicable condition would cost around £1,500. No wonder our insurance premiums are so high.

But I suppose the thieves wouldn't care 2p about the social and financial damage they are causing the community by their actions.

Biggleswade Health Centre, Planning Appeal - important dates

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Biggleswade Health Centre, Planning Appeal - Impor...":

If the TC wins the appeal it will mean that permission is being granted to ignore the Local Development Framework with a development. What is the point of having an LDF if even a council thinks it can ride roughshod over it?

Will this not tend to be an invitation to a housing developer to submit an alternative outline planning application? After all, if one can get round the controls then why not someone else?

Should such a developer be successful then, faced with a higher value being attributed to the land, CBC would have no option but to consider an offer from such a housing developer? After it is CBC's responsibility to secure the best possible price for whatever they sell - there can be no favour. 
 Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Biggleswade Health Centre, Planning Appeal - Impor...":

I really don't understand why the town council seems to think it's up to them to pursue the 'protection' of this land - which I hear they don't even own. There are far more important things they should be spending our money on.

But they know best, apparently - despite the results of the recent Town Plan survey of residents' wishes.

In fact, there ought be a Town Referendum over this issue - is the Town Council acting in the residents' best interests by spending so much money on this?

Is this possible?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Biggleswade Health Centre, Planning Appeal - Impor...":

What has changed with the application that would make it approved this time around? All reasons given for throwing it out last time surely still stand?

Biggleswade - Metal Theft & Garage Burglary

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Biggleswade - Metal theft and Garage Burglary":

Easy to point a finger of guilt, but there are lots of 'travellers' in Bigglewade this time of year........

Kingdom Hall, Shortmead Street

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Kingdom Hall, Shortmead Street.":

Perhaps our council with all our money could buy it so the Jehovah’s could move elsewhere, and with the loads of our money they have accumulated bring it back up to modern standards as far as insulation etc. They could reprovide the community centre (Avenue Club)they sold and never replaced and give it back its original name.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Kingdom Hall, Shortmead Street.":

This building should be kept as it is, If it is not now large enough for what the Jehovah's want, Let them buy another building and leave this one to the Memory of our soldiers.

Also I understand Fen Reeves want's to sell the Rose Lane car park for flat's to be built on it.
The School is a pleasant building to see as you go down Rose Lane we have not many old one's left in the town , And I don't like the thought of it being hidden behind modern flats.

Those of us who went to the School I am sure would rather it stayed as it was.

Biggleswade Town Council Accounts - surpluses

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Biggleswade Town Council Accounts - surpluses":

More planning applications perhaps and more appeals on the one they had rejected ..... where is the cost of all that on the budget sheets?

1 comment:

  1. Is something going to happen at Kitelands Recreation ground today? Firstly there were two Biggleswade Town Council employees wearing high vis coats with one vehicle. They seemed to be clearing weeds on the play areas. Then another two turned up in another vehicle, but they appear to have just come to watch and went again shortly afterwards. When I came back past again there are no vehicles but one lonely soul making a halfhearted attempt to shovel up the weeds.
