Tuesday 5 April 2011

Biggleswade Town Council - Car Park Leases - "and there's more"

On the 28th February 2011 I asked Biggleswade Town Council, a question about the accounts for year ended 31st March 2010:

"On page 4 under Car Parks there is an item (4126) entitled car park lease.

It shows an agreed budget of £31,650, a revised budget of £31,650, a year to date of £33,773 and a projected actual of £32,650.

Can you please tell me which car park this lease is for, how long a lease it is and if there are any lease breaks?"

On the 18th March BTC told me:

"Car parks x 2 Dan Albone & Rose Lane leases expire 2014, break clause on Rose Lane 2012."

On 19th March I went back to BTC:

"You have now told me that the amount in the accounts for year ended 31.03.2010 is not for a "car park lease" as stated but for car park leases (2).

Can you please give me a breakdown of the projected actual of £32,650, for that year between the two car parks.

Can you provide me with the actual dates of the expiry of the leases and the actual date of the Rose Lane lease break."

I have today received another response from BTC:

Rose Lane - Break 30th April 2012 - expires 12th July 2014 - £19,250.
Dane Albone - Expires 1st February 2014 = £7,650

The other car park that was overlooked is Mountstar £5,750, year on year contract.

So we started off with a car park lease, which became two leases and now has become three leases, although I still do not know when the annual Mountstar lease starts and finishes.

When you look at the accounts for year ended 31st March 2010, these are the projected outturn figures:


Rates - £22,237
Materials / Tools - £100
Professional fees - £9,850
Surface repairs - £5,000
Car Park Lease - £32,650
Signs - £250
Salary & Overhead recharge - £12,856


Mid Beds District Council Grants - £8,750
PCN Fees (50%) - £1,500
(I am assuming this means Penalty Charge Notice ??)


This represents nearly 10% of Biggleswade Town Council's budget.

I am sure you have a view on this.


  1. So who 'owns' the other 'public' car parks in Biggleswade?
    - opp the library,
    - opp the Conservative Club,
    - The Dan Albone car park,
    - the one next to Mill Lane?
    There may be others...

    I'm sure at least some of these are Town Council run - so do they not have a budget?

  2. misread the original post - now see Dan albone already accounted for - my mistake

  3. Please excuse my ignorance, but is the Mounstar Car Park the one that is immediately south of the big FCC/NCP station car park? If so, is this free to use? Thanks very much for all info.
