This is the link to the post of 20th February 2011.
The lights were switched off in December 2010 under threat of a Planning Enforcement Notice.
There was an article in the Biggleswade Chronicle on 4th March 2011 which trivialised the seven months of my trying to get Biggleswade Town Council to get the lighting working again within the terms of the planning consent. The comment from the Town Clerk at the time, was that "we are working hard to get the lights working as soon as possible, though it is less of a problem now as the evenings are getting lighter again"
Since that time, I have Councillor Steven Watkins to thank for pursuing the matter. This is a summary of progress to date:
23rd May 2011 - The lights will not be repaired until the evenings draw in again (I am not happy with this answer, the money is there and so again I will talk to the Clerk tomorrow evening)
23rd June 2011 - The lights are still not due to be repaired until August and it was not thought necessary to bring this forward by other councillors so it will just be a case of sitting it out.
19th September 2011 - With the Clerk being away I will speak to Cllr Mrs Smith as head of Public Land Open Spaces committee to look into the lights and equipment, since it appears that the information I have been given in the past has not been wholly reliable.
1st October 2011 - As you would have noticed at the last meeting, Cllr Smith is away on holiday so I will need a little time before I can update you on the problems.
29th October 2011 - Regarding the other queries I am awaiting a response from Cllr Smith which I anticipate any day now.
5th November 2011 - I understand that the lights have been dealt with but are awaiting connection. The electrician didn't know where they had been disconnected to and so had to trace this. A timer has been fitted and hopefully by the end of the week the lights will be off from 8 pm to 7 am. The times are a Planning condition that we have to comply with. If either of us notice that this doesn't happen do let me know and I'll chase Cllr Smith again.
26th November 2011 - on informing Councillor Steven Watkins the lights were still not working - I will chase it once again(!) with the clerk and Cllr Smith.