Monday, 31 October 2011

Who is Motorist caught on CCTV ?

October 27, 2011

Who is Motorist caught on CCTV?

BEDFORDSHIRE Police have released CCTV pictures of a man that they would like to speak to in connection with a series of theft of fuel from filling stations across Bedfordshire.

There have been 11 incidents when the man has gone to petrol stations, filled his car and then left without making any attempt to pay. The most recent offence happened at around 12.30pm on Monday October 17 when the red Citroen Saxo with the number plate KE51 XEX pulled into the Sainsburys Service Station in Luton Road, Dunstable and filled his car with £54.76 of unleaded fuel before making off without paying.

The offender is described as Asian, aged between 25 and 30 years old, of medium build, around five foot six to five foot eight inches tall and with black, slicked back hair. On the most recent occasion he was wearing a black jacket, blue T-shirt and blue jeans.

The number plate that is being used by the offender has been taken from a vehicle that was written off in March 2010. So far the offender has stolen £507.69 worth of fuel over the last four months in Luton and Dunstable.

If you have information relating to these thefts or know who the offender is, then contact PC John Rankine, in confidence, on 01234 846949, the non emergency number 101, or text information to 07786 200011.

Alternatively contact independent charity Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111,or online at

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Biggleswade Town Council Accounts year ended 31st March 2011 - Notice of an Objection.

Since January 2011, I have been trying to get from Biggleswade Town Council the answer to this question, in relation to the health centre planning application:

 can you tell me how this application was funded and expenditure allocated within the Town Council Accounts?

I published a post on this on 25th October 2011.

As I have also previously posted I am not entirely convinced that Biggleswade Town Council followed the proper procedure in authorising and expending the £60,000?

The majority of the expenditure went through the accounts year ended 31st March 2011. Despite having obtaining a breakdown of the accounts I cannot find the expenditure. The £50,000 budget allocation went unspent, on the documents I have been provided with.

Under the National Audit Office rules you can only object to the accounts within certain timeframes. The one for last year's accounts ended on 30th September 2011, so any objections had to be in by that date.

Having spent eight months trying to find out how this application was funded and expenditure allocated within the Town Council Accounts, I was left with no alternative than to service a Notice of an Objection on the External Auditors and Biggleswade Town Council.

I sent the Notice of an Objection to the External Auditors on 22nd September 2011 and they confirmed they had received it.

As required by National Audit Rules, on 23rd September 2011, I hand delivered to Biggleswade Town Council Offices, a covering letter (2 pages), the Notice of an Objection (2 pages), copy of the minutes of the Public Land & Open Spaces Committee meeting of 16 June 2009 (4 pages), all emails between myself and the Town Clerk on the subject, all correspondence with the auditors from February 2011 to June 2011, and the Information Commissioners Office correspondence. This was a fairly hefty package.

Imagine my surprise when I received a letter dated 19th October 2011 from the external auditors, saying that the Council have told them they have not received the documents. The next day I went into the Biggleswade Town Council offices and obtained a detailed receipt for the necessary documents.

The external auditors have now confirmed that they will now give consideration to the issues raised in the objection dated 22 September 2011.


BDO Stoy Hayward                                         22nd September 2011
For the attention of Matt Pickett
Arcadia House                            
Maritime Walk                            
Ocean Village                             
SO14 3TL                                  

Dear Mr Pickett,               

Biggleswade Town Council Accounts year ended 31st March 2011

Notice of Objection

I am writing to you as the external auditor to Biggleswade Town Council and enclose a Notice of an Objection to the accounts for year ended 31st March 2011.

I enclose copies of previous correspondence with yourselves.

Just to summarise the situation for you. It was in June 2009 that the Biggleswade Town Council at its Public Land and Open Spaces Committee discussed a project they called Saxon Sports Village. At that meeting it was agreed a planning application should be made.

A press release to the local newspaper in March 2010 was entitled "Vital Health Centre on the way at last?" The planning application made in May 2010 was for a 5500sq m Health Centre with some sports facilities. The Health Centre had never been mentioned back in the minutes of June 2009 or subsequently.

I eventually found out that over £50,000 had been spent on this application and according to the Town Clerk when questioned about authority for this was told the minutes of 16th June 2009, do not reflect the discussions that took place. (copy enclosed).

Within the accounts for 2009/10, this is an item entitled Saxon Sports Village, with a budget of £50,000, but according to the papers the Council have given me, that went unspent. In the 2010/2011 accounts against the entry Saxon Sports Village there are no entries.

The reason I cannot pinpoint the "item of the account" or the amount is that I have been trying to find out from the Council, since January 2011, where this  application was funded from and allocated within the accounts and which year. This is still the subject of a Freedom of Information request which the ICO told the Council on 16th August 2011 (copy enclosed) to provide the information within 10 working days, which they have not done, and the ICO are pursuing that.

Monies are still being expended on the Health Centre project now, as the Council are appealing against the planning refusal of January 2011, and a hearing is due before the Planning Inspectorate on the 12th October 2011.

I believe that Biggleswade Town Council had no proper financial plan or feasibility study in place before it embarked on this major project. Did not await the finals results of the consultation being undertaken as part of the Town Plan and did not communicate its own plans. Did not consider all of the relevant facts and acted unlawfully ultra vires (beyond its powers) by applying for planning permission for a health centre, and have not properly recorded the authority they have relied upon to spend the monies mentioned above.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,

Richard Mason

Encls :

  • Notice of an Objection
  • Minutes of Public Land & Open Space Committee 16th June 2009.
  • Emails to / from Town Clerk
  • Our previous correspondence
  • ICO letter 16th August 2011

Copy of this letter and associated documents hand delivered to Biggleswade Town Council Friday 23rd September 2011 for the attention of the Town Clerk.


Friday, 28 October 2011

Beds Police News Release - Clocks Going Back - Burglaries Reduction Advice

28th October 2011.

"Make your house look and feel occupied at all times to stop burglars this winter". This the advice Bedfordshire Police wants the public to follow.

Often the dark winter nights provide easy pickings for burglars with an increase in burglary numbers being recorded as the clocks go back at the end of October.

Traditionally the numbers of break-ins go up by as much as half when it gets dark earlier and as Bedfordshire Police continues to reduce burglaries throughout the county and promoting crime reduction, officers are urging the public to help.

Head of Community Safety for the force, Police Inspector Alex House, said: “It is known that burglars will not often target homes that are occupied and making sure your property looks and feels like someone is home can be all that is needed to keep your belongs safe.

“Simple crime prevention measures really can make all the difference such as leaving the lights on in main rooms and keeping a radio switched on and tuned in to a talk radio station. Thieves are essentially lazy opportunists, and if they have to make a lot of noise, spend a lot of time, or risk being seen, they are unlikely to bother.”

Make sure YOU follow our annual advice to make YOUR home secure and help Bedfordshire Police reduce the number of burglaries this winter.

  • Use your lights – keep them on a timer. Make sure they are switched on early even if you leave them on whilst going shopping or on the school run. And remember; use the lights in a main room and not in the hall way so it looks like someone is home.
  • Keep your radio switch on and tuned in to a talk station so it sounds like someone is at home.
  • Make sure your doors are securely locked at all times.
  • If you have UPVC door make sure they are double locked.
  • Lock all windows and fit restricters – thieves can wriggle through any gap larger than a human head.
  • Fit locks at the top and bottom of patio doors.
  • Visible burglar alarms make burglars think twice – make sure you switch them on when you go out.
  • Never leave garages or sheds unlocked.
  • Check for weak spots and sagging fences on your boundary.
  • Stop a thief from getting into the back of the house where he can work unseen by fitting a strong, high gate across a side passage.
  • Be alert to strangers loitering in the street. If you don’t recognise them or they are acting suspiciously, call the police.
  • Don’t hide your keys under the mat or in a flowerpot – it’s the first place they look.
  • Help us beat the bogus caller, always stop at the door, check the chain is on and verify the caller’s identification before opening your door. IF IN DOUBT DON’T LET THEM IN.
  • Don’t forget to security mark your property and register it on
  • And finally remember, if a burglar does get in to your home handbags, wallets, and house or car keys are obvious targets, so please don’t leave them in a prominent position such as at the bottom of the stairs. Remember the force Key Safe initiative and put your keys safely out of sight.
For more free crime prevention advice contact your nearest police station or speak to your local policing team on 101.

You can also email the Crime Reduction Team at :

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Halloween Advice & Posters

Ensure That You Have A Great Halloween

With Halloween just around the corner, Bedfordshire Police has launched a series of posters to remind parents, guardians and youngsters to stay safe during the festivities.

The four posters – which can be downloaded from the bottom of this page offer hints and tips to ‘Trick or Treaters’ as well reminding people that not everyone enjoys Halloween as much as others. There are also posters for shop owners to place in their windows advising that eggs and flour will be sold at their discretion as well as a poster for residents who may not want callers at their door.

Officers have already been to schools around Bedfordshire to hand out posters and it is hoped that the campaign will ensure that all residents enjoy October 31 without causing distress to those who do not want to participate.

Head of Community Safety for the force, Police Inspector Alex House, said: “During Halloween some people, particularly the elderly and vulnerable, can find it very frightening to have large groups unexpectedly calling at their homes asking for treats.

“If possible, parents and guardians should go out trick or treating with their children, sticking to well-lit areas and only knocking on the doors of people they know. Some people may have 'No trick or treat' posters up at their doors and we ask that these are respected.

“We don’t want to spoil anyone’s fun, we simply want to ensure people have a safe and enjoyable Halloween.”

During this time of year, the police take many extra complaints about Halloween-related activities. Some of these are about noise or general “high spirits” – but often the fun has degenerated into serious inconvenience and outright criminal activity.

Activities such as throwing eggs, flour and water bombs at other people or their property are, at the least, frightening for those who are subjected to it and at worst can mean the police investigating crimes such as assault.

Coupled with the onset of Bonfire night, Halloween can also mean extra problems with fireworks being thrown or used irresponsibly. It’s worth bearing in mind that letting off fireworks near the road is actually a criminal offence.

To help reduce these types of incidents Bedfordshire Police will have a number of extra patrols in operation across the county to make sure that everyone has a good time whilst staying safe.

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

London Road Retail Park, Biggleswade - redevelopment

The Planning Application has now been received by Cental Bedfordshire. The application number is: CB/11/03734/FULL.

Demolition of existing retail and commercial units. Construction of new retail units (Use Class A1) and (Use Class A3); alterations to Homebase; associated access works, servicing and landscaping; improvements to London Road.

The consultation period expires on 25th November 2011.

The documents can be viewed at:

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Biggleswade Health Centre Planning Application - funding and expenditure - Freedom of Information Request.

I had hoped that by now this would have been resolved but I am afraid it has become yet another saga.

On the 9th January 2011, I asked the Town Clerk:

Whilst I await the accounting information I have requested, can you tell me how this application was funded and expenditure allocated within the Town Council Accounts?

The response I received from the Town Clerk on the 23rd February 2011 was:

I believe that the Auditor will be responding to you on this matter.

After protracted correspondence with the auditors they finally told me that it was up to the Council to provide the information.

18th June 2011 I wrote again to the Town Clerk:

Having been in contact with both internal and external auditors, I have been advised that the council should provide me with the information I requested.

So can you tell me by return (20 working days have long gone) as I previously asked:

“how this application was funded and expenditure allocated within the Town Council Accounts?”

I had not received any response from the Council by the 16th July 2011, so I complained to the Information Commissioners Office (ICO).

16th August 2011 the ICO wrote to Biggleswade Town Council:

I am writing to confirm that the Information Commissioner has received a complaint from Mr R Mason stating that no response has been sent to an information request submitted on 9 January 2011 and repeated on 18 June 2011, which you have said was received.We enclose a copy of this request for your information.

Any public authority in receipt of such a request is under a duty to respond within 20 working days of receipt. As it is the case you have not responded but ackowledged receipt of the request, we would ask that you now respond within 10 working days of receipt of this letter.

3rd September 2011, I advised ICO by email that I had not received a response.

12th September 2011, The ICO Case Officer rang me and told me Biggleswade Town Council had contacted him and claimed to have provided the information in an email dated 4th January 2011. I checked on the email and advised him firstly that the email was in response to one of 27th December 2010 on another subject, and was five days before the question was asked. The Case Officer wanted to talk to the Town Clerk to clarify this but was told he was on annual leave for two weeks.

7th October 2011, I received a letter from ICO Case Officer, who was still trying to talk to the Town Clerk, but had been unable to do so. He suggested an internal review. I contacted ICO Case Officer and asked for advice on this.

10th October 2011 - The ICO Case Officer rang me and told me he was still trying to contact the Town Clerk and had tried again on Friday 7th October but was told he was on annual leave until 17th October. He would contact the "Admin lady" at the Council  and ask if they had an internal review procedure.

11th October 2011 - The ICO Case Officer rang me and said it had been agreed that the request for an internal review should be addressed to just Biggleswade Town Council. I was advised that the Internal Review should be carried out by someone other than the Town Clerk, and that the review should be completed within 20 working days.

I hand delivered my request for an internal review on the 12th October 2011, so it should be completed by Wednesday 9th November 2011 at the latest.

Monday, 24 October 2011

Number Plate Security Event - 26th October 2011 - ASDA Biggleswade

Your Numbers Up – Don’t Let Thieves Get Away With it

There is a growing crime trend whereby car number plates are being stolen to be used in crime. This may be:
  • To evade speeding/parking fines
  • To sell a stolen car
  • To carry out illegal activities i.e. not paying for petrol and avoiding ANPR (automatic number plate recognition) cameras.
Protect your number plates and come along to one of our number plate securing events. This is a free service to secure your car number plates.

The Sandy and Biggleswade Local policing Team will be taking part in the Pride in Biggleswade community event on Wednesday 26th October.

In addition to offering advice and listening to the concerns of local residents the team will be carrying out number plate securing between 13:00 hrs and 17:00 hrs at Asda Supermarket, Church Street, Biggleswade.


For details of any other number plate securing events that we are holding visit our website:

Friday, 21 October 2011

Pride in Biggleswade - Wednesday 26th October 2011

This event will take place on Wednesday 26th October in the Market Square and at ASDA.

There appears to be some confusion over the timings.

Central Bedfordshire say Wednesday 26 October from 9am to 5pm.

Biggleswade Town Council in the minutes of their Planning Meeting of 11th October gave permission to use the Market Square on Wednesday 26th October between 2pm and 6pm.

Well at least they agree on  the date.

The event is to give residents and businesses the opportunity to talk about local issues and get involved in their community.

During the day local representatives from Central Bedfordshire Council, Aragon Housing. Bedfordshire Fire and the Police will all be available to discuss any issues about local community safety matters.

Central Bedfordshire Council staff will be in Market Square and the Asda car park to give advice on issues such as licensing, waste disposal and community safety. Officers will be checking on licensing issues and touring the area to see where improvements can be made to the local environment.

Cllr Budge Wells, Deputy Executive Member for Sustainable Communities Services at Central Bedfordshire Council, said: "The Pride in Biggleswade day is a great opportunity for people to discuss any local issues with representatives from a wide range of organisations. It is also a chance for people to take steps to improve their own local environment.”

For more information about the event contact John Seamarks at Central Beds Council on 0300 300 5490.


These are examples of the pride that CBC takes in Biggleswade. Despite repeated requests to CBC to resolve this, no action has been taken.

These railing were damaged before last Christmas and CBC have undertaken on a number of occasions to take action. Nothing has happened even after I made  a formal complaint.

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Be Scam Aware - potential telephone scam - unpaid BT bill?

Scam Aware

Central Bedfordshire Council’s Trading Standards team is warning consumers and small businesses to be aware of a potential telephone scam regarding unpaid telephone bills.

We have received a report about a scam that has recently come to light, where a telephone call is received and the caller claims to be calling on behalf of BT asking for an unpaid bill to be settled immediately or face disconnection. Various numbers for the caller have been reported, although none of these are connected with BT. If told there is no BT account, the caller explains that the unpaid bill is regardless of whether a BT customer or not, as all telephone service providers rent BT lines anyway.

If challenged further, the caller claims they can prove they are from BT by saying they will disconnect the phone line there and then, and ask you to hang up and attempt making a call. When attempting to make the call, a consumer will find they have what appears to be a dead line, although in reality, the caller hasn't disconnected your line at all, they just didn't hang up their own phone and pressed the mute button instead, leaving your line still in use. The caller can in fact listen to the consumer attempting to make a call and will appear to "phone" the consumer back once finished. This will usually leave the consumer convinced that the caller is genuine and payment will then be requested over the telephone by providing credit card details.

Based on the information received we believe that this call is a scam and we would advise anyone to act with extreme caution when receiving such calls.

Our advice to consumers and small businesses is that a company like BT would never contact you by telephone and request payment of an unpaid bill. You should never give your personal or credit card details to anybody over the telephone unless you are absolutely certain of their intentions. Never be intimidated into making a quick decision and always take a moment to ask yourself whether the call is genuine. If you do show any interest or provide your details, you may be identified as a possible target for a future scam attempt. If, at any point, you are unsure as to whether the offer being made or the caller is genuine, do not be afraid to hang up the telephone.

If you have any information about suspect rogue traders or would like to report a possible scam please initially contact Consumer Direct on 08454 04 05 06, in order so that all relevant regulatory authorities can be notified.

In the meantime, please visit our website for advice and guidance on how to spot a scam and how to avoid becoming a victim.

Kind regards
Trading Standards
(Community Safety and Public Protection)

Friday, 14 October 2011

Be Scam Aware - potential telephone scam - loan approved

Central Bedfordshire Council’s Trading Standards team is warning residents and small businesses to be aware of a potential telephone scam that claims you have been approved for a loan.

We have had a report from a concerned consumer who has received a suspicious telephone call, whereby the caller claimed to be calling from a loan company and was using the telephone number "0208 1441427". The caller proceeded to inform the consumer that they had been approved for a recent loan application. In order for the loan to be processed the consumer was informed that they had to make a £218 payment via Western Union as a first instalment claiming the loan amount would be transferred into their account within the next two hours.

Based on the information provided we believe that this call is a scam and we would advise anyone to act with extreme caution when receiving such calls.

Our advice to consumers and small businesses is that a legitimate loan company would never contact you by telephone and ask you to transfer a release fee. You should never give your details to anybody over the telephone unless you are absolutely certain of their intentions. Never be intimidated into making a quick decision and always take a moment to ask yourself whether the offer sounds genuine. If you show any interest in the offer being made, you may be identified as a possible target for a future scam attempt. If, at any point, you are unsure as to whether the offer being made or the caller is genuine, do not be afraid to hang up the telephone.

If you have any information about suspect rogue traders or would like to report a possible scam please initially contact Consumer Direct on 08454 04 05 06, in order so that all relevant regulatory authorities can be notified.

In the meantime, please visit our website for advice and guidance on how to spot a scam and how to avoid becoming a victim.

Kind regards
Trading Standards
(Community Safety and Public Protection)

Parking / Lets Talk Meetings

On the 12th July 2011 Central Bedfordshire issued a press release entitled, "Public to be consulted on parking management proposals."

This included a paragraph which says:

Local councillors, including parish councils, and key stakeholder groups such as the Chamber of Commerce are to be consulted on the proposals over a three month period. Exhibitions will be held at key locations across Central Bedfordshire as part of the consultation. Details of this will be announced soon.

I have been asking Basil Jackson, CBC, Assistant Director, Highways & Transport since 26th August 2011, when the consultation is to take place. I have finally received a response.

Firstly, I wish to apologise for the delay in responding to your request. ***** has been very busy with the parking consultation and prioritising it amongst his other daily duties as Head of Service. Nevertheless, this has still taken longer to deal with than I would expect.

In the first instance, *****  had requested from some local companies to prepare a presentation for consultation purposes. This included a road show type approach, which would have been heavily advertised allowing capture of as many residents in one go as possible. The quotes for this piece of work have just recently come back to ***** and we have been very surprised at the extraordinarily high prices we have received. The sums of money discussed are not justified and it would be irresponsible for the authority to spend council tax payers' money to that extent.

This has of course led ***** to think of another approach and he has since written a consultation paper which is going to be delivered at the Central Bedfordshire Lets Talk Together Meetings through this year and in to next. Between ***** and I, we agreed that this was the best approach to deliver to as many residents in Central Bedfordshire as possible as the meetings are well advertised through our website, council publications and locally.

The date and location for the next local meeting is as follows:

Thursday 20th October 2011
Potton Sports & Social Club
The Hollow, Biggleswade Road, Potton

7.00pm to 7.45pm Talk to a range of service providers, including your local policing team, Councillors & other agencies.

8.00pm to 9.00pm Join the debate. Discuss local issues, solutions, and help decide the community safety priorities to be tackled.

This hour will start with a welcome speech from the Chairman, District Councillor for Biggleswade North Ward &  Deputy Leader and Executive Member for Corporate Resources,  Maurice Jones. He will speak on the progress made on the issues raised at the last meeting.

At 8.10pm  the Chairman will present budget strategy for 2012 / 2013. Followed by Bedfordshire Police who will speak on community safety issues.

At 8.30pm, car parking will be discussed, followed by discussions and questions on local issues.

Biggleswade Health Centre - Planning Appeal Hearing Wednesday 12th October 2011.

This took place at 10.00am, Central Bedfordshire Council, Priory House, Room PH13, Monks Walk, Chicksands, Shefford, SG17 5TQ.

In attendance:

Planning Inspector

T Wood BA (Hons) BTP MRTPI

Central Bedfordshire Council

Hannah Pattinson - Senior Planning Officer

Liz Anderson - Ecology Officer

Biggleswade Town Council Consultants

Shaun Greaves.BA (Hons), DipURP, MRTPI - GC Planning

William O’Connor BSc (Hons) MSc MIEEM Senior Ecologist  - MKA Ecology


Marcus Phillips
Susan Phillips

Wildlife Trust

John Comont - Conservation Manager (Bedfordshire) The Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Northants & Peterborough.

Members of the Public

Councillor Jane Lawrence - Biggleswade Town Councillor, District Councillor but attending as resident of Biggleswade.

Councillor David Lawrence - Biggleswade Town Councillor, District Councillor but attending as resident of Biggleswade.

Richard Mason


NOTE: The Inspector opened the hearing by explaining what the appeal is about. Went through some routine points, including asking who wanted to speak.

The Inspector gave a summary of the appellant’s and the LPA’s case, and said which topics would be discussed at the hearing. (see Points for Discussion below). The Inspector led the discussions.

Points for Discussion

1. Clarification of development proposals, description, plans.

2. Policy Framework,

          a) the development plan

          b) the status of any SPG/SPD

          c) any other documents

3. Issues:

          a. The acceptability of the principle of the healthcare facility in relation to national and
          local policies to protect the countryside, and any associated harm to the character of

          the area.

          b. If any harm is found in 1 above , are there any matters which outweigh that harm.

          c. The effects of the proposal on biodiversity.

4. Other matters as raised.

5. Conditions.

6. Closing comments.


The case for refusal and the appellant statements are included in the following documents:

Central Bedfordshire Council Statement (46 pages):

Appellants Statement (21 pages):

Appellants Statement Summary (4 pages):

Appellant Statement Appendices 1 - 2 (59 pages):

Appellant Statement Appendices 3 - 10 (37 pages):

Appellant Statement Appendices 11 - 14 (73 pages):


Much of the discussion was a repeat of all the arguments that had already been made in the above statements, there was not much new information.

A brief summary of some of the comments made:

David Lawrence said there was an options legal agreement when Beds CC existed and asked had the Inspector got that. Inspector replied he was only interested in planning matters not legal agreements.

Jane Lawrence was asking about a Mid Beds Local Plan Policy document and whether it still existed. Apparently it had been superceded.

Jane Lawrence said given the height of the buildings on the other side of the road where there were blocks of flats and given there would be three storey houses in the new housing development the two storey health centre would not be out of place.

Hannah Pattinson (CBC) said that there was still no support from the Doctors Surgeries or NHS Bedfordshire for the site at Saxon Drive but CBC were working with them to find a way forward. Their discussions are ongoing and looking at possibility of the Ivel Medical Centre possibly expanding from their existing site. She could not comment on the detailed negotiations concerning additional land.

NOTE: There was the mention of the possibility of the Acorn Centre, combined with Fire / Ambulance being relocated to a site more accessible to the major transport routes.

Jane Lawrence asked are we now talking about two sites or one.

NOTE: Biggleswade Town Council Meeting of 22nd February 2011 at which Councillor Lawrence was present, Dr Hollington said he would not commit to one site and it could be even be three.

Shaun Greaves (GC Plg), said that Local Plan Policy DM4 states: "Within Settlement Envelopes, the Council will support schemes for community, education, health, sports and recreation uses or mixed community and other uses where a need for such facilities is identified through the Infrastructure Audit or up to date evidence. Where no land is available within the settlement, a site adjacent to the settlement may be granted planning permission. Such development should make the best use of available land and lead to more sustainable communities." There was no requirement for the application to be supported by NHS.

Liz Anderson (CBC) repeated that the ecology of this site has not been fully explored and that given a legal judgement she quoted they could not give consent with a condition that included getting a licence from Natural England.

Extract from the Judicial Review Judgement 5th June 2009: Woolley v Cheshire East Borough Council and Millennium Estates Limited

In addition, the judgement also clarified that it was not sufficient for planning authorities to claim that they had discharged their duties by imposing a condition on a consent that requires the developer to obtain a license from Natural England. Natural England considers it essential that appropriate survey information supports a planning application prior to the determination. Natural England does not regard the conditioning of surveys to a planning consent as an appropriate use of conditions. This view is supported by ODPM Circular 06/2005 which states that ‘it is essential that the presence or otherwise of protected species and the extent that they may be affected by the proposed development is established before planning permission is granted, otherwise all relevant material considerations may not be addressed’.

The Planning permission was quashed.

Shaun Greaves (GC Plg) said that he did not accept that the judgement meant that.

Marcus Phillips (HERPS) said whatever mitigation was made for the disturbance of the wildlife on any site was always a disaster. We do not understand fully the conditions they like but we do know they like the site there are on at present.

It was mentioned by Shaun Greaves (GC Plg) that the cost of the biodiversity studies had been given at £60,000 and we are talking about expending public monies on this, which could not be justified.

NOTE: The cost of the application and appeal has already passed £60,000 and I am given to believe it may go beyond £70,000.

Jane Lawrence said she did not understand how on the Land East of Biggleswade, the adjacent site, none of these biodiversity arguments were made, but they are on this site. She said there was a desperate need for more sports pitches. Susan Phillips (HERPS) was not convinced of that as there are many under utilised.

Jane Lawrence went through the contentious argument again that the Town Centre was not the centre of the town and this should be remembered  when you talk about a Town Centre Masterplan.

NOTE: Town centres historically consist of a principal thoroughfare usually known as "High Street". They are also the centre of communications with major public transport hubs such as train or bus stations. Public buildings including town halls, museums and libraries are found in town centres.

Shaun Greaves (GC Plg) said that this was only an outline and although the health centre, pavilion and car park would stay they could vary the number of sports pitches and may only end up provide two !!!!!

Hannah Pattinson (CBC) confirmed that if the Inspector allowed the appeal the 12 conditions in their statement would apply. Shaun Greaves (GC Plg) accepted that.

Liz Anderson (CBC) said that if the Inspector allowed the appeal could he also include a condition to carry out the biodiversity studies to their satisfaction, prior to commencement on site.

Inspector asked if in addition an S106 agreement would be asked for, this was confirmed.

NOTE: Previously a figure of £364,000 was mentioned just for the transport contribution, there were others being banded about which could total £800.000.

David Lawrence said that when the Inspector visits the site after this meeting he will need to use his imagination because of all of the houses that are to be built up to the site on one side and industrial units that are to be built on the other.

David Lawrence said this application may be coming from Biggleswade Town Council but it was being made on behalf of the Biggleswade Catchment Area.

The hearing concluded at about 11.30 am.


The decision

When made, the decision will be published on the Planning Portal.

Case reference 2155625

Or go directly to:

The aim is to issue the decision no later than seven weeks after the date of the hearing, although there is no guarantee that this target will be met in every case.