Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Biggleswade Car Parks

Further to yesterdays post on car park leases, and the total car parking expenditure, the following anonymous comments were made:

1.So who 'owns' the other 'public' car parks in Biggleswade?
- opp the library,
- opp the Conservative Club,
- The Dan Albone car park,
- the one next to Mill Lane?
There may be others...

I'm sure at least some of these are Town Council run - so do they not have a budget?

2. misread the original post - now see Dan albone already accounted for - my mistake.

Well, would you believe it, the car parks are actually listed on the Biggleswade Town Council web site:

Chestnut Avenue – Opposite library - 37 spaces – 3hr limit
Dan Albone –Shortmead Street - 30 spaces
Mountstar – Station Road - 50 spaces
Rose Lane - 136 spaces
St Andrews Street West - 21 spaces
St Andrews Street East - 39 spaces
White Hart - High Street - 14 spaces – 2hr limit

1 comment:

  1. ye gods - information on the Town Council website?

