The draft Development Brief (PDF 5.7MB) is being published for comment starting on Thursday 13th March 2014 for four weeks until Wednesday 9th April 2014.
This site has been allocated for residential development under policy HA1 of the Site Allocations Development Plan Document (North) which was adopted by the Council in 2011. The development site is located on the north-western site of Potton Road (B1040), immediately to the north-east of Biggleswade.
Policy HA1 requires a minimum of 330 dwellings to be provided on the site and there is also a need to produce a development brief. A development brief is a document which is produced for a site with the intention of being adopted as technical guidance for any future development of that site. Once finalised, the development brief will guide and inform management decisions in respect of any future planning applications for the site.
The development brief is to provide design guidance on the aims for the development and indicate likely planning obligations required. It also identifies the particular constraints and opportunities of the site, and confirms the range of technical work which any subsequent planning application must address to support any planning application for the development site.
The production of the brief provides an opportunity for members of the public to have greater involvement in the development of the site, and provides certainty for both members of the public and prospective developers as to the future development of the site.
This development brief is being produced by developers Bellway Homes and Bloor Homes working alongside the Council.
How to have your say
You are invited to view plans and have your say on the emerging development proposals for the land off Potton Road in Biggleswade. The easiest way to have your say is to complete the online questionnaire. If you would rather complete a paper copy of the questionnaire they will be available, along with copies of the draft document, by:
1) Visiting the Public Exhibition:
• A public exhibition is taking place on Thursday 13th March 2014 (between 2pm-8pm) at Biggleswade Town Hall, The Old Court House, 4 Saffron Road, Biggleswade.
2) Viewing the document and picking up a paper questionnaire at the following locations:
- Biggleswade Library, Chestnut Avenue, Biggleswade
- Biggleswade Town Council Offices, The Old Court House, 4 Saffron Road, Biggleswade
- Central Bedfordshire Council Offices, Priory House, Chicksands
3) Requesting paper copies of the document and questionnaire by contacting the Local Planning and Housing Team on Tel. 0300 300 4353.
All comments and completed questionnaires should be received by Wednesday 9th April 2014, please post to the following freepost address or email to
FREEPOST RSJS GBB2 SRZT (you do not need a stamp), Potton Rd Biggleswade Consultation, Central Bedfordshire Council, Priory House, Monks Walk, Chicksands, Shefford, SG17 5TQ
What happens next.
Following this consultation period, the draft Development Brief will be updated, taking account of any relevant suggestions or comments received. The revised Development Brief will then be considered by the Executive Committee of Central Bedfordshire Council for endorsement as technical guidance.