Consultation opens: Tuesday, 2 April at 9am
Consultation closes: Wednesday, 15 May at 5pm
The Hearings into the ‘Minerals and Waste Local Plan: Strategic Sites and Policies’ for Bedford, Central Bedfordshire, and Luton, ended on Thursday 24 January 2013.
As a result of issues raised during the Hearings, the ‘Joint Authorities’ (Bedford Borough Council, Central Bedfordshire Council, and Luton Borough Council) have prepared the Proposed Modifications for public consultation for a period of six weeks.
The Proposed Modifications are categorised as Main Modifications or Additional Modifications. The ‘Joint Authorities’ are notifying you that this consultation will begin at 9am on Tuesday 2 April 2013 and finish at 5pm on Wednesday 15 May 2013.
The Proposed Modifications, Representation form, a Scoping Report for the Sustainability Appraisal, and Habitats Regulation Assessment, can all be viewed here:
The Proposed Modifications (PDF 1.4MB)
Representation form (PDF 44KB) If you would like a "word" version of the representation form please email us at
Scoping Report for the Sustainability Appraisal (PDF 133KB)
Habitats Regulation Assessment (PDF 214KB)
If you wish to refer to the evidence base these can be viewed online -
Minerals and Waste Core Strategy Submission document (August 2012). Please note that the evidence base is not part of this consultation.
Copies of the consultation documents are available during the consultation period at the following
council offices (PDF 15KB) and customer service centres.
The consultation documents are also available to view at
these libraries (PDF 15KB).
If you wish to make a representation then you can send these either by e-mail to
Write to us
You can make a representation in writing to the following address:
The Minerals and Waste Shared Planning Service
Central Bedfordshire Council
Priory House
SG17 5TQ
Valid representations
In order for your representation to be registered as valid it must:
- Be received after 09:00hrs on Tuesday 2 April and no later than 17:00hrs on Wednesday 15 May 2013;
- State to which part of the Proposed Modifications it relates;
- State the test(s) of soundness (see below) that the proposed modification fails;
- State what changes to these modifications should be made, so as to make them comply with the four ‘Tests of Soundness’.
- Indicate whether you are happy for your representation to be dealt with in writing, or whether you wish to present your views orally at a further Hearing session,
Please note that if you wish to be notified of the adoption of the Plan please indicate this on your representation.
‘Tests of Soundness’
These tests are set out by the Government in the National Planning Policy Framework at paragraph 182. Any representation must be related to one or more of these tests. The 4 Tests of Soundness are:
- Positively prepared - this means the plan should be prepared based on a strategy which seeks to meet objectively assessed development and infrastructure requirements.
- Justified - this means founded on robust and credible evidence base, and being the most appropriate strategy when considered against reasonable alternatives. There should be evidence of participation of the local community and others which have a stake in the area. Choices should be backed up by facts.
- Effective - this means deliverable (with no barriers, and with partners who are signed up to proposals); coherent with strategies of neighbouring authorities; flexible to change. The document should be able to be monitored, showing who is responsible for delivering the policies and proposals and when they will happen.
- Consistent with national policy - or if there is a departure from it, it must be justified. If your representation relates to more than one Test of Soundness, please be clear which parts of your comment relate to which test.
Please be aware that all representations received on the Proposed Modifications will be forwarded to the Planning Inspector, Geoffrey Hill, who has been appointed by the Secretary of State to undertake the Examination in Public.
Should you have any queries, please contact either Susan Marsh on 0300 300 6032, or Lester Hannington on 0300 300 6219.