Tuesday 30 October 2012

15th November 2012 Elections

Police & Crime Commissioner for the Bedfordshire Police Area.
CARROLL Kevin Joseph
JACK Linda
RASHID Mezanur
Details can be found at:
Biggleswade South Ward - Central Bedfordshire District Councillor
MEDLOCK Jonathan Graham
Details can be found at:
Biggleswade (Part) Holme Ward - Biggleswade Parish (Town) Councilllor
MEDLOCK Jonathan Graham
NORTH Michael Robert Thomas
Details can be found at:

Saturday 20 October 2012

Have your say on getting out in the countryside - Biggleswade Library on the 23 November 2012

Plans to help people explore, understand and get involved with the local countryside are underway with a new Outdoor Access Improvement Plan from Central Bedfordshire Council.
Central Bedfordshire has a wonderfully diverse natural landscape, which the Council has a critical role in managing access to; both through the rights of way network and a number of Council owned heritage and countryside sites.
The Council also has a statutory duty to review their outdoor access provision and make plans for the future. So with its last Outdoor Access Improvement Plan now complete, the Council is asking the community to comment on exciting, new plans that will last until 2023.
The Council wants to take this opportunity to emphasise how much of a green and pleasant place to live and work Central Bedfordshire is.
People are being asked to view exhibitions and have their say on plans from Monday, 22 October until Friday, 18 January 2013. They can view consultation documents online at www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/consultations during this time as well as visiting exhibitions where paper copies of the questionnaires will be available.
The Council's Countryside Access Team will be on hand to talk about the proposals at:
o Biggleswade Library on the 23 November (10am - 4pm)
o Flitwick Library on the 6 December (10am - 4pm)
o Leighton Buzzard library on the 9 January (10am - 4pm)
Cllr Ian Dalgarno, Deputy Executive Member for Sustainable Communities (Services) at the Council, said: "We believe our plans show what great progress we can continue to make to improve outdoor access for our residents. We know that being outside and enjoying the countryside can have all sorts of positive effects, from improved health to forging strong community links. "
"This consultation will give the public the chance to shape our plans for the next ten years and their comments will be really important to the final proposals so I am strongly encouraging people to look at the consultation, visit the exhibitions and to give us their views."
This new Plan will act as the cornerstone strategy for countryside and outdoor access management for Central Bedfordshire. It is part of a suite of strategies and plans which will plan, deliver and manage countryside access and greenspace in the area.

Saturday 13 October 2012

Town Plan Steering Group Meeting

Next meeting of the Town Plan Steering Group:

Monday 15th October at 7:30 p.m. in the Town Council Chambers, Saffron Road.

If you want to try to make a difference in Biggleswade please come along.

Minutes of last meeting.

Link to website:


Steering Group Contacts
Telephone, or send an Email to any of the following:

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Kingdom Hall, Shortmead Street - Demolition??

The Biggleswade Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses has made another planning application to demolish Kingdom Hall, Shortmead Street, Biggleswade, (which is within a conservation area), and build a new Christian Meeting Room.

The previous Planning Application CB/11/01495 & CB/11/01496 made in April 2011, was withdrawn.

Comments made at the time by the Central Bedfordshire Conservation Officer - The points made by the Biggleswade History Society are helpful in filling in some of the previously unknown background of this 1924 hall. This certainly adds something to its historical interest - but the building is unexceptional in architectural terms and thus not it is considered, eligible for proposed listing & is not identified as of local interest in the 2005 Conservation Area appraisal. On this basis, despite the WW1 memorial value, difficult to resist redevelopment - so long as the replacement building is of clear high quality in design.
The new Planning Application: CB/12/02837 & CB/12/2838.
The Consultation period started on 14th September and closes on 27th October 2012, if you have any comments to make. This time, apart from the Public Notices on Friday 5th October 2012, I cannot recall seeing anything about this in The Biggleswade Chronicle.
The application will be discussed at the Biggleswade Town Council Meeting tonight (9th October 2012).

Previously from Mike Strange on behalf of The Biggleswade History Society :
The building was the Church Memorial Hall. It was first mooted at a public meeting held in the Masonic Rooms on 21st January 1919 to discuss building a hall in memory of the soldiers who had fallen during the 1914-18 war. The site chosen was on land in front of the Church School. The land was conveyed to the Parochial Church Council represented by the vicar and churchwardens.
The building finally came to fruition when it opened on 9th October 1924 at 3pm followed by tea and entertainment, repeated at 7.30pm. Funds were raised by various donations including church bodies and by public subscription; the total cost was about £1,485. There was still an outstanding debt of £105 in July 1925 cleared by a fete in the vicarage gardens.
The Chapter House replaced the Memorial Hall and the hall was put up for sale. When the area behind was redeveloped the building was sold to The Jehovah Witnesses and was dedicated as the Kingdom Hall in March 1978. Since then the original building has been altered and enlarged on this important corner site together with a car park accessed from Ivel gardens.
Above is an artist's impression of the building in 1923.

If this is allowed to be demolished it will be another snook cocked at preserving our heritage and an insult to the men in whose honour it was originally constructed.



New Public Access Path for East Biggleswade

Work was completed earlier this year on a new public access route in Biggleswade. The 700m long path runs northwards from Dunton Lane parallel to Saxon Drive. Linking with the Chambers Way / Baden Powell Way roundabout, the path will then link with the  new Linear Park being created as part of the Kings Reach Development.
The works were managed by Bedfordshire Rural Communities Charity (BRCC) in  partnership with Central Bedfordshire and were funded through contributions from local developments.
Access improvement works in this part of town were first identified in the 2007 Mid Beds Green Infrastructure Plan. Community consultation activities in the creation of the Biggleswade Green Infrastructure Plan and the Biggleswade Town Plan (both published in 2010) showed further support for the existing path from Dunton Lane to be upgraded and a new path to be created further northwards.
The route follows the existing muddy path through the linear wood to the north of Dunton Lane and then continue northwards creating a brand new access route through the land opposite the Saxon Pool and Leisure Centre.
As landowner, Central Bedfordshire Council are eager to ensure that wherever reasonable, public access is made possible for users with a wide range of mobility levels, from the able-bodied to users of wheelchairs and pushchairs.
Cliff Andrews, BRCC’s Green Infrastructure Team Leader says “We are very pleased to be part of this project, enhancing people’s access to part of the countryside on the edge of town. The path will be a great asset in its own right, but will also be a valuable link to the Rights of Way network to the south and east."
It is also hoped that these paths will in time form part of a ‘Green Wheel’ for the town – a publicly accessible corridor around the whole town, providing access to and through a range of community greenspaces.
My photographs from Dunton Lane to Chambers Way roundabout:

Monday 8 October 2012

Election of the Police & Crime Commissioner


Election of the Police and Crime

for the Bedfordshire Police area
To be held on Thursday 15th November 2012 
1.Nomination papers for the Police and Crime Commissioner Election may be obtained from the Police Area Returning Officer, Chief Executive’s Office, Ground Floor, Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ, on Monday to Friday between the hours of 9:00 am and 5:00 pm.
2. Nomination papers must be delivered to the Police Area Returning Officer, Chief Executive’s Office, Ground Floor, Town Hall, Luton, LU1 2BQ from Tuesday 9th October 2012 until Thursday 18th October 2012 (except Saturday and Sunday) between the hours of 11:00 am and 3:00 pm and on Friday 19th October 2012 between 9:00 am and 12 Noon. Please call the Democracy Manager on 01582 546038 to make an appointment.
3. If the election is contested the poll will take place on Thursday 15th November 2012.
4. In order to be validly nominated, a candidate (or person acting on their behalf) must deposit £5,000 with the Bedfordshire Police Area Returning Officer, Chief Executive’s Department, Ground Floor, Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ, by 12 Noon on Friday 19 th October 2012, either in legal tender (cash) or by banker’s draft made payable to ‘Luton Borough Council’.
5. Applications to register to vote at this election must be received by the relevant Electoral Registration Officer by Wednesday 31st October 2012.

6. Applications, amendments or cancellations of postal votes must reach the relevant Electoral Registration Officer, by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday 31st October 2012.
7. Applications to vote by proxy at this election must reach the relevant Electoral Registration Officer by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday 7th November 2012.

8. Applications to vote by proxy at this election applied for on grounds of physical incapacity, where that physical incapacity occurred after 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday 7th November 2012 must reach the relevant Electoral Registration Officer by 5:00 p.m. on 15th November 2012.
Dated: Monday 8th October 2012 
Trevor Holden, Police Area Returning Officer, Bedfordshire

Biggleswade Town Councillor Vacancy

Central Bedfordshire Council
Election of a Parish Councillor

For the Parish Ward listed below
Parish Ward-  Biggleswade (Part) Holme
Number of Parish Councillor to be elected - One

1. Forms of nomination for the Parish Election may be obtained from Clerk to Parish Council or Priory
House, Monks Walk, Chicksands, Shefford, Bedfordshire, SG17 5TQ from the Returning Officer who will,
at the request of an elector for any electoral area prepare a nomination paper for signature.
2. Nomination papers must be delivered to the Returning Officer, Priory House, Monks Walk, Chicksands,
Shefford, Bedfordshire, SG17 5TQ on any day after the date of this notice but no later than NOON on
Friday, 19th October 2012.
3. If any election is contested the poll will take place on Thursday, 15th November 2012.
4. Applications, amendments or cancellations of postal votes must reach the Electoral Registration Officer
at Priory House, Monks Walk, Chicksands, Shefford, Bedfordshire, SG17 5TQ by 5 pm on Wednesday,
31st October 2012.
5. Applications to vote by proxy at this election must reach the Electoral Registration Officer at Priory
House, Monks Walk, Chicksands, Shefford, Bedfordshire, SG17 5TQ by 5 pm on Wednesday, 7th
November 2012.
6. Applications to vote by proxy at this election applied for on grounds of physical incapacity, where that
physical incapacity occurred after 5 pm on Wednesday, 7th November 2012, must reach the Electoral
Registration Officer at Priory House, Monks Walk, Chicksands, Shefford, Bedfordshire, SG17 5TQ by 5
pm on Thursday, 15th November 2012.

Friday 5 October 2012

Kitelands Road, Biggleswade - Stolen Vehicle

Bedfordshire Police Messaging
Incident Type:
Stolen Vehicle.
Kitelands Road Biggleswade.
Date and Time:
Overnight on the 4th to the 5th of October.
Incident Details:
The vehicle was a Red, 0 7 registered, Citroen.
The owner still has the keys for the vehicle.
Crime Reference:
J D / 3 4 7 3 9 / 2012.
Crime Reduction Advice:
Make sure that your vehicle is secure every time that it is left unattended.
Never keep spare keys inside the vehicle.
The safest place to park your vehicle is in a garage, if you have a garage please use it.
Park your vehicle in a well lit area.
Always check that it is correctly locked, and all valuables are removed, before leaving the vehicle.

Register Your Valuables for Free at


If you have information about any crime or suspicious activity please call the Control Room on 1 0 1
Text your message to 07786 200011
Alternatively you can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111, or online at www.crimestoppers-uk.org
No personal details are taken, information is not traced or recorded and you will not go to court.

Thursday 4 October 2012

Biggleswade Town Council Meetings & Minutes

On the 25th August 2012 I emailed the Biggleswade Town Clerk and copied it to all Town Councillors:

Do you think we could have some minutes of this financial years meetings published please?
I think by now, these ones at least should be published on the web site:
15th May 2012 – Off Street Car Parking
12th June 2012 – Planning
26th June 2012 – Council
10th July 2012 – Planning
and what about the minutes of the F&GP Meeting held on 15th November 2011, and
the minutes of the Public Land & Open Spaces Meeting held on 27th March 2012. This is not even on the meetings list. I brought this fact to your attention on 7th March 2012, 31st March 2012 & 29th April 2012 but have never received any response from you.
Is the Council really going to meet on Sunday 23rd September 2012 as published on the web site? I have not pointed this out before in view of the response I got the last time, when I brought an “odd” meeting date to your attention.
By the 15th September 2012 there had been no response so I emailed the Town Clerk and all Town Councillors again.
It is now three weeks since I wrote to you and copied it to all Councillors concerning minutes that have not yet been published on the Town Council web site. I received a read receipt from yourself and Councillor George Wilson and from Councillor Jane Lawrence “Your message was deleted without being read on 11 September 2012”
Lets look at the progress that has been made:
15th November 2011 - Finance & General Purposes Committee Minutes.
Still no minutes published.
27th March 2012 - Public Land & Open Spaces Committee Minutes.
This meeting was not included in the meeting list.
Still not included on meeting list so no minutes published.
15th May 2012 - Off Street Car Parking Committee Minutes.
Still no minutes published.
12th June 2012 - Planning Committee Minutes.
Minutes belatedly published, the document was created on 30th August 2012.
26th June 2012 - Council Meeting Minutes.
Minutes belatedly published, the document was created on 29th August 2012.
10th July 2012 - Planning Committee Minutes.
Minutes published, the document was created on 29th August 2012.
The meeting list still shows that the Council will be meeting on Sunday 23rd September 2012.
The Council Meeting Minutes of 24th July 2012 and The Planning Committee Minutes of 14th August 2012 have been published in a document created on 4th September 2012 and marked as "Provisional", whatever that means.
One I missed before, the Minutes of the Precept Meeting held on 24th January 2012, not yet published.
I understand that Biggleswade Town Council are looking at becoming a Quality Council. One of the basic tests is that they will be required to publish draft minutes of meetings within two months of the meeting taking place and make them available for inspection by any elector in the parish, as a minimum. Given that there are unpublished minutes going as far back as November 2011, (10 months), I see very chance of Biggleswade Town Council qualifying.
I get quite used to you ignoring me, and it does not bother me providing at least something happens about the genuine issues I raise with you.
Can someone at Biggleswade Town Council do something about getting the rest of these minutes up to date on the web site?
I did receive a response from the Town Clerk on the 17th September 2012, but I do not have explicit permission to reproduce it here but I think from my response you will get the gist of it.
Email sent to today, 4th October 2012, to Town Clerk and Councillors:
With reference to your email of 17th September 2012.
Firstly regarding deletion of messages, I think you need to read my email of 15th September 2012, again. At no time did I suggest or think you had deleted my message of 25th August 2012, without reading it. I did say, and from Councillor Jane Lawrence “Your message was deleted without being read on 11 September 2012” In fact I have received another identical one from Councillor Jane Lawrence to my email of 15th September.
You now admit that the non publication of the F&GP Committee Minutes of 15th November 2011 was an oversight!!!!!!!
The omission of Public Land & Open Spaces Committee meeting of the 27th March 2012 from the meeting list was brought to your attention by emails on the 7th March, 31st March, 29th April and 25th August, none of which you replied to, or had the meeting added to the meeting list. The minutes were finally published on the 18th September 2012.
The minutes of the Off Street Car Parking Committee of 15th May 2012, you say cannot be approved until 20th November 2012 because you say that the Committees only meet quarterly and this delays approval and publication of Minutes. The Off Street Car Parking Committee met on 14th August 2012, or at least I have the Agenda for it, so why were they not approved then?
The 12th June 2012 Planning Minutes might have been created by yourselves on the 20th June, but the document was not added to the web site until 30th August 2012. The 26th June 2012 Council Meeting minutes might have been created by yourselves on 12th July, but again not added to the web site until 29th August 2012. The same with 10th July 2012 Planning Minutes, created by yourselves 17th July but not added to the web site until 29th August 2012.
The Town Council web site is the face of the Town to the world, and members have agreed that it needs updating. I would have hoped that as Town Clerk you would have given it a higher priority, and taken personal responsibility, ensuring that it was at least up to date, and factually correct.

Wednesday 3 October 2012

London Road Biggleswade - Burglary

 Bedfordshire Police Messaging
Local Crime Message 
Incident Type:
London Road, Biggleswade.
Date and Time:
Between the 28th September and 2nd October.
Incident Details:
The offender has gained access to the rear of the house, entering through a conservatory door.
It appears that a set of vehicle keys have been taken and the offender has used them to remove the owners vehicle from the driveway.
It is not known what other property has been taken.
Crime Reference:
J D / 3 4 5 1 7 / 2012.
Crime Reduction Advice:
Keep doors and windows closed and locked at all times.
Make sure that all vehicle keys are kept in a safe place out of view.
If you have a garage please use it to park your vehicle overnight.
If you have information about any crime or suspicious activity please call the Control Room on 1 0 1
Text your message to 07786 200011
Alternatively you can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111, or online at www.crimestoppers-uk.org

Funding agreed for Leisure Centre upgrades

Central Bedfordshire Press Release dated 2nd October 2012.
Improvements to Saxon Pool and Leisure Centre and Tiddenfoot Leisure Centre will be planned after capital funding was approved by Central Bedfordshire Council’s Executive councillors at their meeting today (Tuesday, 2 October).
The funding was agreed by councillors to commence in 2012/13 to fund a number of upgrades to the leisure facilities.
Proposals for Saxon Pool and Leisure Centre in Biggleswade include plans to refurbish the reception area and to add extensions for a two court sports hall and a new first floor health spa which could include rooms for massage and body treatments, a sauna, steam room and ice rooms.
Plans for Leighton Buzzard’s Tiddenfoot Leisure Centre include a ground floor extension to reconfigure the reception area, a café, a first floor extension to expand the fitness stations from 54 stations to 75 – moving the current changing areas and crèche to do so – and converting a second fitness area into a workout studio.
Speaking about the decision, Cllr Brian Spurr, Executive Member for Sustainable Communities, said: “Our leisure facilities are key community health resources for our residents to engage in regular physical activity .This investment brings these facilities right up to date, adds capacity to meet the additional demand for fitness and sporting facilities and ensures these centres offer a high quality experience.
“Now that the funding is agreed we can look forward to implementing the improvements as soon as possible.”
To find out more about the Leisure Centres and active lifestyle facilities in Central Bedfordshire, visit our website.

Central Bedfordshire Executive councillors adopt new Parking strategy

Central Befordshire Press Release dated 2nd October 2012

Executive councillors at Central Bedfordshire Council have agreed today (Tuesday, 2 October) to endorse a new Parking Strategy for the area.
The Parking Strategy provides clarity on how parking will operate in Central Bedfordshire and how the council will achieve the objectives of its Local Transport Plan.
Executive Member for Sustainable Communities, Services, Cllr Brian Spurr, said: “We know that parking is an everyday issue for our residents, so this Strategy sets out how we can make sure it works for everyone. It looks across the subject at things like a parking permits, parking on verges, when and where Heavy Goods Vehicles can park, the parking required for residential developments and how to clamp down on persistent parking offenders.”
“It also aims to encourage economic growth in our towns through appropriate parking provision and charges, meet residents’ needs for car parking near their homes and manage irresponsible on-street parking so that it doesn’t cause traffic build-ups.
“However, we want to make sure that the provision of parking is not a burden to our taxpayers and we will continue in our commitment to protect access to services and facilities for groups with special needs, or the mobility impaired.”
Find out more about the Strategy by visiting our website.

Biggleswade Town Centre Develoment - Hitchin Street

Central Bedfordshire Press Release Dated 2nd October 2012.
Work to enhance the Hitchin Street shopping area in Biggleswade starts this week (1 October).
The cutting-edge improvements stretching from the junction with Market Square to Mill Lane are aimed at making the area more attractive and creating an open and inviting space that can be safely shared by pedestrians, motorists and cyclists.
It will use durable materials and instead of using traditional barriers such as kerbs, bollards and railings to divide up the highway, it will use clever design to help road users navigate through the space.
To open up the space, single level paving will be laid. Instead of kerbs the boundary of the carriageway will be marked with colour contrast paving that will also be tactile to help visually impaired pedestrians. To lessen visual clutter, street furniture will be kept to a minimum and will be removable if needed to allow future use by market traders.
Street lighting will be replaced to match existing the heritage style and colour used in Market Square and the High Street and the whole area is being landscaped.
The scheme is one of the key improvement projects outlined in the Biggleswade town centre strategy and masterplan.
Executive Member for Sustainable Communities, Strategic Planning and Economic Development, Cllr Nigel Young said, "I'm very pleased to be making a start on one of the first projects to come from the town centre masterplan - which is all about improving Biggleswade's commercial vitality while retaining its historic core and distinct identity.
"This innovative approach to town centre design will create an inviting and safe space that people like being in and that benefits businesses on and around it. These improvements will help Hitchin Street to thrive and be more integrated into the town centre's retail core.
"Biggleswade is already a great place and these enhancements to the town centre environment will help attract more shoppers and visitors to boost the local economy."
Biggleswade Town Council and the Chamber of Trade have also played a key role in helping the Council to bring forward these improvements in supporting dialogue with local businesses, residents and others users of the street. Whilst the works will inevitably cause some disruption the Council and its highway contractors, Amey, will seek to keep this to a minimum. The improvements are expected to be complete by the end of November in time for the busy Christmas shopping period.
Regular updates on these improvements including diversions and schedule of works will be available on the council's website throughout the works.
Link to Central Bedfordshire's Biggleswade page.

Link to plan of works : PLAN